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Everyday Superheroes Lyrics

1. Everyday Superheroes


His helmet is red, fights fires till they're dead

Her shirt is blue, drives a police car too

His boots are green, runs a garbage machine

Her coat is white, makes sure your health is alright


He's a superhero

An everyday superhero

She's a superhero

An everyday superhero


His hat is yellow, a construction working fellow

Her pants are black, and she sells you a snack

His tie is pink, works at the store I think

Her shoes are brown, and she lives in your town


He's a superhero

An everyday superhero

She's a superhero

An everyday superhero


You don't have to be rich or pretend you're a bat

Real superheroes are nothing like that

Don't need a bite from radioactive spider

Don't need a cape, spaceship or hand glider

Don't have to come from planet Krypton

All you have to do is know right from wrong

Help each other and care for others

And you can be a superhero too!

You can be a superhero too!

You can be a superhero too!

You can be a superhero too!


You're a superhero

An everyday superhero!

You're a superhero

An everyday superhero!

You're a superhero

An everyday superhero!


And you can be a superhero too!

You can be a superhero too!

​You can be a superhero too!

​You can be a superhero too!

​You can be a superhero too!


2. Little Canadian Animal


I had a little porcupine, she was very spiny

Took her to the barber, but she was very whiny

I had a little skunk, he was very smelly

Took him to the doctor 

and he poked him in the belly!


I had a little chipmunk, she was very chatty

Took her to a therapist, because she drove me batty

I had a little salmon, he was very slimy

Took him to the cleaners

cause he was greasy grimy!


I had a little loon, she was very loud

Took her to a hockey game, where noises were allowed

I had a little beaver, his teeth were very long

Took him to the dentist, and he whistled a song

He went doo doo do-do, do-do-do

I'm a little Canadian animal

And I wanna sing a rock 'n' roll song

He went doo doo do-do, do-do-do

I'm a little Canadian animal

And I wanna sing a rock 'n' roll song


I had a little raccoon, his eyes were very black

Took him to the eye doctor and now he won't come back

I had a little rabbit, she was very fast

Took her to the race track and she had a blast!


I had a little goose, he was very honky

Took him to a drive-in and he honked at a donkey

I had a little eagle, her claws were very strong

Took her to the Gym, and she whistled a song!


She went doo doo do-do, do-do-do

I'm a little Canadian animal

And I wanna sing a rock 'n' roll song

She went doo doo do-do, do-do-do

I'm a little Canadian animal

And I wanna sing a rock 'n' roll song


They went doo doo do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do

doo doo do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do… doooo

doo doo do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do.

That's what they said

doo doo do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do do-do-do-do!


They went doo doo do-do, do-do-do

I'm a little Canadian animal

And I wanna sing a rock 'n' roll song

They went doo doo do-do, do-do-do

I'm a little Canadian animal

And I wanna sing a rock 'n' roll song


3. Smiley Face


There's no sense frowning

No sense being down

There's no sense dragging your feet all over town

Sometimes you'll feel sad, so if that's the case

Make a smiley Face


You can use a pencil you can use a pen

Draw it with a crayon and give it to a friend

Type one in an email, send one in a text

Make a smiley face

Make a smiley face


Scribble one with a marker or a coloured pencil

Paint one on your cheek or trace one with a stencil

Go out to the sidewalk and draw one on with chalk

And everyone'll see it when they take a walk (great idea!)


You can use a pencil you can use a pen

Draw it with a crayon and give it to a friend

Type one in an email, send one in a text

Make a smiley face

Make a smiley face


Now get a smiley sticker

and stick it on your thumb

Now make that smiley talk

and pretend it's having fun!

Everywhere I look now

smileys are all over the place

I've even got one stuck right to my face! 


You can use a pencil you can use a pen

Draw it with a crayon and give it to a friend

Type one in an email, send one in a text

Make a smiley face

Make a smiley face

Make a smiley face


4. Bob the Bug


He gets up in the morning and goes outside

Waves to Mr. Spider, says hello to the fly

Get in his tiny car and goes downtown

Has a tiny a cup of coffee and looks around


He's Bob the Bug…

He's Bob the Bug…


He gets to work on time and straightens his tie

Greets the grasshopper, says hey butterfly

Works in his office 'till quarter to three

Meet's his bug buddies and then they go for ice cream


He's Bob the Bug…

He's Bob the Bug…


Everybody knows he's the coolest bug in town

The bees and the ants have fun when he's around

He likes to sing and dance and he reads lots of books

So don't judge him by his funny buggy looks


He's got a pet flea that he takes for a walk

He visits his friend the worm who lives around the block

Then he goes out for dinner with the ladybug

Then goes bowling with his two best friends; earwig and the slug


He's Bob the Bug…

He's Bob the Bug…


Is he a termite or a beetle? I can't tell

I just know when people see him they all yell…


He's Bob the Bug…

He's Bob the Bug…


5. Dinosaur In the Candy Store


I was going down to the Candy store

Ran out of jelly beans and I wanted some more

But when I got there I saw something i'd never seen before

There was a great big hole right in the front of the store!

And I looked in right through the door

I couldn't believe it! It was a dinosaur!


Dinosaur… Dinosaur in the candy store

Dinosaur… Dinosaur in the candy store



He was eating: Lolly pops and chocolate bars

Gummy worms and peppermints

liquorice and cinnamon hearts

lifesavers and sweet tarts

He was eating all the candy!

But at least he wasn't eating me!


I turned around and ran away

'Cause I didn't think that he wanted to play

But then I think that he saw me

Jump behind this maple tree

Cause he came out and let out a roar

Right in front of that candy store (whoa!)


Dinosaur… Dinosaur in the candy store

​Dinosaur… Dinosaur in the candy store

Dinosaur… Dinosaur in the candy store

​Dinosaur… Dinosaur in the candy store



He looked at me right in the eye

He was one scary looking guy

Stegosaurus or Brontosaurus

No, I'm pretty sure he was a Tyrannosaurus

Just as I was about to scream

He handed me a jelly bean


Then he gave me some:

Lolly pops and chocolate bars

Gummy worms and peppermints (yum yum!)

liquorice and cinnamon hearts

lifesavers and sweet tarts

I guess I didn't need to beware

Cause the Dinosaur just wanted to share!


Dinosaur… Dinosaur in the candy store

​Dinosaur… Dinosaur in the candy store

Dinosaur… Dinosaur in the candy store

​Dinosaur… Dinosaur in the candy store


Dinosaur (Who'd a thunk it?)

Dinosaur in the candy store

Dinosaur (Good candy!)

Dinosaur in the candy store

Dinosaur (He's my friend now)

Dinosaur in the candy store

Dinosaur (Want a jellybean?)

Dinosaur in the candy store 


6. Turn That Frown Upside Down


When you can't

Keep your head up

'Cause you're lonely or you're sad

Just, think about all the good things

that make you glad


It's not just you

And it's not just me

Dreaming about all the things we all want to be

There's always hope and there's always love

for us to see


So turn that frown upside down

And I don't mean stand on your head

Show me your smile

And be happy instead


Let's all sing it together shall we?


When you can't

Keep your head up

'Cause you're lonely or you're sad

Just, think about all the good things

that make you glad


It's not just you

And it's not just me

Dreaming about all the things we all want to be

There's always hope and there's always love

for us to see


So turn that frown upside down

And I don't mean stand on your head

Show me your smile

And be happy instead


So turn that frown upside down

And I don't mean stand on your head

Show me your smile

And be happy instead

7. Coffee and Tea


Mommy likes coffee

Daddy likes tea

I like milk

And they both love me


8. What Do You Like?


I like trees, I like frogs

I like clouds, I like dogs

I like weekends, I like giraffes

I like drawing, I like laughs


I like fire trucks, I like trains

I like candy, I like all kinds of games

I like music, I like videos

I like spraying things with the garden hose


What do you like? 

You can play along

You can sing about it to the tune of this song

What do you like? 

You can play along

You can sing about it to the tune of this song


I like Lego, I like Dinosaurs

I like Pirates, I like Star Wars

I like the beach, I like rain

I like dreaming a lot and using my brain


What do you like? 

You can play along

You can sing about it to the tune of this song

What do you like? 

You can play along

You can sing about it to the tune of this song


What do you like guys??


I like Mom, I like Dad

I like my sister even when she makes me mad

I like you, I like me

I like a lot of things as you can see.


What do you like? 

You can play along

You can sing about it to the tune of this song

What do you like? 

You can play along

You can sing about it to the tune of this song


9. Shine


Shine, shine, shine like the sun

Shine, shine, shine like the stars

Then fly, fly, high like a bird

Fly, away with your dreams


10. Walk in Their Shoes 
Trilogy of Respect Part 1


Have you ever walked in somebody else's shoes?

Have you ever walked in somebody else's shoes?

Do you now what it means to walk in somebody else's shoes?

Have you ever walked in somebody else's shoes?


What about the boy who's shy

and nobody talks to him?

What about the girl who gets teased

'cause she doesn't fit in?

What about the one who's different

and always has the blues?


Well what if you could walk in their shoes?

What if you could walk in their shoes?


Have you ever thought someone was weird

and didn't know what to do?

But what if you could wear their shoes

and think like they do?

And what if you knew everything

that they've been through?


Well what if you could walk in their shoes?

What if you could walk in their shoes?


Shoes, sandals, slippers, sneakers,

flip flops, boots, heels, loafers?

It doesn't. matter at all

Brown, black, white, blue,

green, orange, yellow, red?

Any kind or colour, big or small


Because the shoes really aren't the point

it's to pretend we're in their place

It's to imagine that we're them

and see the person behind their face…

their face...


Well what if you could walk in their shoes?

What if you could walk in their shoes?


11. I'll Still Love You
Trilogy of Respect Part 2


Now repeat this after me too okay?


I'll still love you (repeat)

I'll still love you (repeat)

I'll still love you (repeat)

I'll still love you (repeat)

Yes we will


It doesn't matter

if you're from Canada or from Japan

It doesn't matter

if you're a baby girl or a great big man

It doesn't matter

if you can't sing or you can't dance

It doesn't matter

if you always wear fuzzy purple pants


I'll still love you (repeat)

I'll still love you (repeat)

Yes we will


It doesn't matter

if you're shy or you really like to chat

It doesn't matter

if you're tall or short, who cares about that!

It doesn't matter

if you think, lots of different thoughts

It doesn't matter

if you're black or white or blue with polkadots.


I'll still love you (repeat)

I'll still love you (repeat)

Yes we will


It doesn't matter

if you're bald, or have wavy hair

It doesn't matter

who you love, or what you want to wear

It doesn't matter

if you loose a game, or if you win a big prize

It doesn't matter

if you have eleven fingers or three eyes




So the question is how do we choose to walk in other people's shoes, 

And how can we love others?

Well It' it's easy.

There's this little thing called "the golden rule"

that helps me remember and it goes like this...


12. The Golden Rule
Trilogy of Respect Part 3


Treat everybo-dy

like you would want them to treat you

That is the golden rule

Love your neighbour

even when they're different than you. 

That is the golden rule


When somebody needs help

you gotta show them that you care

When someone is different

you know teasing isn't fair

Respect for everyone

7,  6,  5,  4, 3 , 2,  1!

Say it, Shout it

Jump and talk about it

You know it's true

You'll feel better too!

If you...


Treat everybo-dy

like you would want them to treat you

That is the golden rule

Love your neighbour

even when they're different than you. 

That is the golden rule


So there you have it: We should love and respect everybody no matter what differences they have. And we can remember how to do that by treating them the way we would want to be treated. Even if they treat us badly.


You'll be awesome possum

You'll be the bee's knees

You'll neat-o- musquito!

You'll be cool beans!

The cat's pajamas?

Okie dokie artichoke-e?

Hot diggity dog?

Okay I guess you get the point right?


You'll be cool 

And awesome in school

That's pretty much the rule

If you know that you should... 


Treat everybo-dy

like you would want them to treat you

That is the golden rule

Love your neighbour

even when they're different than you. 

That is the golden rule


…That's the real way to be cool. 

13. Twinkle Baby


Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

How I wonder what you are

I forgot the words...


14. Heidi






There is a little girl

Prettiest thing in the world

She is very smiley

And her name is Heidi

She likes to play hide and seek

We play it every week

So I'm going to go and sneak

Hey! Close your eyes and don't peek!

'Cause i'm…


Playing hide-and-go-seek with my little Heidi

I'll count to ten and find my little lady

If I don't find her I think I'll go crazy

Well hello my baby!

Hi Heidi!


She likes to play with her toys

Sometimes she makes lots of noise

But she is loved very highly

And her name is Heidi

In her hair she has little bows

She's got a cute nose and tiny toes

When she grows up she'll be

Quite the lady just wait and see


Playing hide-and-go-seek with my little Heidi

I'll count to ten and find my little lady

If I don't find her I think I'll go crazy

Well hello my baby!

Hi Heidi!


She has a Big brother

And father and a mother

And when Heidi's hiding

They finder her and they say...

Hi Heidi, Hi Heidi, Hi Heidi, Hi Heidi, Hi Heidi





Hi Heidi, Hi Heidi, Hi Heidi, Hi Heidi, Hi Heidi





Playing hide-and-go-seek with my little Heidi

I'll count to ten and find my little lady

If I don't find her I think I'll go crazy

Well hello my baby!

Hi Heidi!

Playing hide-and-go-seek with my little Heidi

I'll count to ten and find my little lady

If I don't find her I think I'll go crazy

Well hello my baby!

Hi Heidi!


Well hello m'lady! Hi Heidi

Well hello my baby!

Hello m'lady

hello my baby! Hi Heidi

15. Apples


Kids repeat every line


Pick them from a tree

Buy them from a store

Have one for a snack

Just don't eat the core


Apples, Apples, Apples


Red or Green

Wash it clean

Eat one a day

To keep the doctor away

Apples, Apples, Apples

Put them in a pancake

Eat them in slices

Bake them in a pie

With cinnamon and spices

Apples, Apples, Apples

Bite them, chew them

Peel them, stew them

Mash them, dry them

Cut them, try them



Drink them in a Juice

Or cider that's hot

Better eat them all

Before they start to rot

Apples, Apples, Apples

A P P L E S, Apples

A P P L E S, Apples

A P P L E S, Apples

A P P L E S, Apples

Apples, Apples, Apples, Apples 

Apples, Apples, Apples, Apples 



It sounds like we're saying "Zapples!

16. Chickens!


Guess what?  

Chicken Butt!  

Really? I had no idea. 


That doesn't even make sense. 

No, but it's kind of funny

Is this even a song? 

I don't know. It has music

Ok, well what can we sing about?




17. Superhero Reprise


He's a superhero

An everyday superhero

And you can be a superhero too


She's a superhero

An everyday superhero...

And you can be a superhero too

All lyrics Copyright 2017 Matt the Music Man

© 2024 Bluenose Media
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